Company Summary
Wealth Management with Genus
When selecting a manager for your investment needs we know that you expect a specific set of characteristics that include professionalism, expertise, courtesy, a thorough understanding of your goals and, most important, the proper execution of what is promised.
This has been our approach to wealth management for more than 24 years. Our independent thinking, research focus and emphasis on protecting and growing our clients’ wealth have guided our approach to investing for more than two decades.
Personalized Portfolios
We offer sophisticated, globally diversified portfolios to meet the needs of conservative investors, as well as those with more aggressive goals. We manage portfolios on either a pooled basis (minimum account size: $500K) or segregated basis (minimum account size: $2 million).
Focus on Results
Our goal is straightforward. We seek to provide superior long-term investment results, net of inflation, taxes and fees. We work with you and your advisors to derive the superior long-term investment results, and portfolio asset mix to maximize expected after-tax returns, given your tolerance for risk (volatility of investment returns).
Keeping You Informed
Consistent, high-quality service and reporting is integral to our relationship with you. Our client service and reporting is proactive, informative and tailored to meet the requirements of clients and their advisors.
Key Features & Benefits
► Equity and fixed income management by top-tier money managers
► Reliable and consistent long-term results with lower volatility
► Competitive fees, exceptional client service and reporting
► If your circumstances change, so can your investment strategy
Source: Genus Capital Management
Unique Value Proposition
At Genus, we know you value a portfolio that is tailored to your needs. Our securities are selected by specialist teams who have in-depth expertise in each asset class and deliver proven results. We take a global view and employ dynamic asset allocation.
We believe that geographical diversification helps reduce portfolio risk and expose you to the best opportunities. Did you know that Canada represents less than 5% of the world’s stock markets? That’s why we believe that maintaining a wide perspective is essential to success.
To expand your portfolio globally, we invest in leading companies in each region. For instance, Canada has some of the top banks, while the US is strong in technology, and Europe is known for its pharmaceuticals. This approach also helps reduce risk.
Ultimately, the most important thing is that your holdings are positioned to meet your objectives. We ensure this by gaining a deep understanding of your goals and designing a customized strategy. To deliver the best results, we are always looking for innovative ways to strengthen our technology, data analysis, and investment process.
Our Elements for Success
We build portfolios with the goal of earning consistent risk-adjusted excess returns relative to a benchmark in all market and style cycles. To achieve this we believe it is necessary to have the following three core elements:
1. A style-diversified approach
2. A process that removes emotion and applies discipline
3. Strong attention to risk management
Our approach blends attributes of value, growth and quality to create style-diversified portfolios. We focus on under-valued companies with superior fundamentals and earnings growth. We believe this combination leads to low risk and long-term outperformance across different style cycles.
We focus on tested and proven fundamentals that add value and drive them into our portfolios with a disciplined process that removes emotion and manages risk. We apply the same depth of analysis to every stock in our universe, grading them from best to worst to identify potential winners and losers.
Buys and sells are based solely on empirical evidence; the best graded stocks make up our buy candidates and the worst are sell, or short candidates. We know our process works, and we stick with it.
Risk Managed
We use world-leading risk management tools to monitor and manage the risk and return characteristics of our portfolios. We focus on active risk (beta, risk factor exposure, style bias, industry exposure and stock specific risk) for benchmark strategies, and total risk for absolute return strategies.
Key Advantages & Benefits
Style-diversified approach helps smooth out the effect of style cycles
Greater breadth, more objectivity, less susceptibility to cognitive errors
Consistent, repeatable process with a time-tested 20-year track record
Superior risk control, avoidance of uncompensated risk, effective implementation
Source: Genus Capital Management
Active Alpha Strategies
We specialize in equity mandates and offer proven expertise in Canadian, U.S. and international equity strategies and socially screened options.
All of our equity strategies share our style-diversified approach and quantitative process that focuses on rigorous research, disciplined security selection and superior risk management.
Our 24-year track record of strong performance in all markets and style cycles validates the integrity of our investment philosophy and the reliability of our process.
What Sets Genus Apart
1. We are focused specialists and pioneers in the development and application of sophisticated quantitative investment techniques in Canada.
2. We outsource all non-core functions in order to ensure an undiluted focus on our investment process and delivering the results our clients expect.
3. Our independent research separates us from our peers and gives us our competitive edge.
4. We do not deviate from our investment methodology, giving clients a process they have been able to count on for decades.
Key Features & Benefits
► Experience, stability and discipline
► Time-tested investment process with a distinguished 24-year track record
► Independent, objective research singularly focused on adding value for clients
Source: Genus Capital Management
AUM ($Bil)
Year Founded
Key Personnel
Wayne Wachell, CEO CIO Founding Partner
Leslie G. Cliff, Director Wealth Management Founding Partner
6th Floor - 900 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 1E5