1. Where would you like your wealth manager to be located?* Toronto Montreal Vancouver Calgary I have no preference 2. How would you rate your investment knowledge?* Very limited Somewhat Knowledgeable Very Knowledgeable Investment expert 3. What financial products have you personally invested in the past?*Select all that apply. Stocks Bonds Mutual Funds Hedge Funds Not applicable 4. What is your residency status?* Canadian resident living in Canada Canadian resident living abroad Non-Canadian resident living in Canada 5. What size of wealth management company do you prefer to deal with?* A small wealth management company A large wealth management company Not sure 6. If you could only choose one of the following as your primary investment objective, which would you choose?* Growth Income Capital Preservation Not sure 7. Please select your age range?* Under 40 years old 40 - 49 years old 50 - 64 years old 65 - 75 years old Above 75 years old 8. What is the size of your investable wealth?* $100,000 - $500,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 - $5,000,000 $5,000,000 + 9. Approximately what size account would you consider opening with a wealth manager?* $100,000 - $250,000 $250,000 - $500,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 - $2,500,000 $2,500,000 - $5,000,000 $5,000,000 + 10. Your Contact Information:Name* First Name Last Name Email Address* Yes, please subscribe me to the Wealth Management Canada newsletter CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.